Our Product

tinyESP – WiFi controller







Device programmed – no demand to upload firmware!

TinyESP is universal WIFI controller with opensource EasyESP system on board. Using popular  ESP8266 module causes low price despite the extensive equipment. Device after simple configuration can be easy managed by their website. Optional equipment is OLED 0.96″ display, which can be mounted on WiFi controller board.

INPUT/OUTPUT description (GPIO) 

TinyESP manual


  •  5V micro USB power input or   Li-Po baterry power with charging feature
  • 1 relay  with terminals: NO,C,NC
  • 1 wire bus for  DS18B20 temperature sensors
  • analog input for voltage or baterry measurement up to   5V
  • universal logical or pusle input
  • I2C bus for different sensors on 2 connectors: 1.25mm (support tiny BME280) or 2.0mm
  • button: for display wake up, settings reset to default or during upload firmware by console
  • serial port  UART (3,3V voltage) – for firmware upload (if no firmware) or for serial sensors like  CO2
  • 2.0mm terminal for own usage (2 GPIO’s shared with buzzer and IRLED)
  • terminal socket  2.54mm to OLED 0.96″ display
  • buzzer for generating sound ,can be used as acustic notice
  • IRDA – transmitting IRLED to send infrared commands to differents home apliances.
       EasyESP system have rich functionality for cooperating with different services like Domoticz or OpenHAB.  This system  support   MQTT protocol ( mqtt.ats.pl is possible to setup also) and allow to controll by tinyESP other devices. Simple automatic function triggered by sensor reading  can be realized also (by  Regulator – level control).
        There is possible upgrade to other versions of  EasyESP firmwares  with new sensor support as test/development firmware. Upgrade is possible by  device website in  Tools/Update Firmware tab.  Right file should be for 4MB  flash and ESP8266 module . Dowloable files are here , system  version notices are  here.
  • Applications:

  • enviromental measurements (temperature, humidity, PM, CO2, lightening)
  • voltage measurement 0-5V
  • logical notification 0-1 (joining to ground)
  • cyclic sending data to own server (Domoticz, OpenHAB or other) or to cloud like  mqtt.ats.pl
  • device control by relay: gates, heating   or IR diode: TV’s, air conditioning.
  • buzzer or relay switched on by  http command from other network device like Lan Controller
  • simple automatic function triggered by sensor reading
  • sending notification by mail or by playing by buzzer
  • display current sensor data on OLED
  • simple distance measurement
  • support  RFID readers
  • and many more…
  • Technical data:

  • power input 5V
  • power demand max 1W
  • relay load max 3A/120v AC
  • WiFI features: 2,4GHz 802.11n, support  802.11bgn
  • size: 72mmx40mmx3mm (without  DIN plate)
  • weigh 42g